In today’s highly government regulated mortgage environment it is not just important to know and understand all your options but imperative.
As a licenced broker who has been doing mortgages for 15 years we recognise this. When you come to us to enquire about our options its like going to a source with 20 plus options. When you go to your bank, credit union, or mortgage company to see what your options are you are only inquiring with 1 lender with 1 set of options.
Its our job at Unify Financial to not only help you understand these options but also to explain them to you so you can make educated decisions. It’s easy to place the responsibility on your banker, as far as what they might think is right, but how does that go in 3 years when you go to re-finance or look at other purchase options, just to find out that you are in what’s called a no frills product, with either a ridiculous penalty or no other options than to sell if your scenario doesn’t fit with that lender in particular. There is a good chance that once you’ve run into these walls or obstacles that the banker you were dealing with has either taken on a new position or changed banks. Even if you are talking to the same banker then the only thing you will ever hear is, guess you should have understood what you where doing better before you signed.
At Unify financial we make sure you understand what you are signing and make it a policy that you understand all the in and outs of what it is your signing up for. We are a big believer in options so we are always trying to maximise what you may need for options in the future and try to match them with your goals.
People sometimes mistake the importantance of rates over options. Options are just as important, if not more so, when you are making decisions that can impact your future borrowing or selling wants or needs.
Talk to us today to determine the right fit for you! At Unify Financial we take pride in the advice we give and the direction and advice we offer, even if its to point you right back to your current lender. We treat our clients the same way we expect to be treated when reviewing their wants, needs and future goals.